How to have a Healthy Gut (ft. probiotics)

You may have heard the terms “gut health” and “probiotics” thrown around, but who actually needs them? Answer: We all do!

Our digestive system requires probiotics to maintain a healthy gut environment and beat illnesses caused from other bacteria. Probiotics are microorganisms/bacteria which, in large amounts and of different strains, can provide health benefits. Probiotics can also improve our mood and immune system, is linked to lower rates of obesity and reduced risk of diabetes. Stress, illness, certain medications and an intake of high fatty processed foods reduces good bacteria in our gut. This makes us more susceptible to irritable bowel syndrome, other digestive difficulties and a risk of colon cancer.


How can I get good gut health? Eat fermented or cultured foods 2-3x times a week!

Natural sources of probiotics include:

  • Yoghurt (try pot-set yoghurts to steer away from added sugar types)

  • Cottage cheese with probiotics or Kefir

  • Miso (a savoury paste made from fermented soybeans, as a condiment for cooked meat and fish or as a miso soup)

  • Sauerkraut

  • Kombucha (try substituting it in place of drinking alcohol)

    You can also chat to your Dietitian to discuss how you can use your diet to maintain a healthy gut! (To inquire of Dietitian services, just send us a message!


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