COVID-19 update 31st March 2021


We are continuing to provide services during this time. If you are attending your appointment, please:

·      Wear a mask

·      Observe 1.5m social distancing

·      Maintain good hand washing practices

Healthy Lifestyles Australia staff maintain thorough hygiene practices and will endeavour to minimise physical contact where practical during your consultation.

If you would like to change your in-person appointment to a telehealth consult, please contact 07 3088 2323 and our reception staff will assist with this.

If there are any changes to your appointment due to clinic closures, you will be notified accordingly by Healthy Lifestyles Australia staff.

If you exhibit any Covid-like symptoms, please refer to current government recommendations as found here:


HLA COVID-19 update 1st April 2021


3 Jobs Currently Available