A Healthy, Happy Christmas (pt. 3)


Welcome back! We are here to finish up with some overall tips and ideas about how to have a healthy, happy Christmas! It's not about ticking the workout box or guilting yourself into only eating salads. It's about making smart, simple choices that leave you feeling your best self, so you can fully focus your time on being present with the ones you love.

On that note, let's finish off these series, shall we?

We will leave you with this list of tips on how you can incorporate those simple changes:

• Choose a few special event days to completely relax about food

• Aim to have a glass of water/mineral water in between alcoholic beverages

• A good breakfast helps you make better decisions about food later

• At functions, stand away from the table of food to avoid mindless eating

• Opt for spirits and low energy mixers (e.g. soda water, flavoured mineral water, diet mixers) over beer, wine or ciders

• Fill up on a healthy snack before going to Christmas parties. This will prevent over-indulging in high-energy food

• Use smaller plates and bowls for Christmas lunch and dinner. Add as much colour to your plate from vegetables and salad (aim for at least ½ plate)

• Have healthy nibbles available around the house such as vegetable sticks and rice crackers with lower energy dips (e.g. light hommus, tzatziki, beetroot, avocado), pretzels, air popped popcorn, fruit platters and small quantities of unsalted nuts in place of chocolate, chips and lollies

• If holding a Christmas event, always offload your extras to the party guests! This will not only satisfy your friends and family but prevent overindulgence after the party.

Do you have any other handy tips to add? We've love to hear them!

Now go forth, and have a beautiful, happy, healthy Christmas!


Intermittent Fasting 101


A Healthy, Happy Christmas (pt 2.)