A Healthy, Happy Christmas (pt. 1)


It is natural to wish everyone a happy Christmas, but how about a happy, healthy Christmas? There are some misconceptions around health when it comes to the holiday season. Rest assured, a healthy holiday does not involve skipping out on every enjoyable thing. We want to provide some simple, achievable ideas on how to have a Christmas that leaves you feeling great, both inside and out! We'll break it down into 3 topics: movement, nutrition, and general tips.

Today, we'll be focusing on movement.

Did you know it’s estimated that adults put on around half a kilo during the festive season, on average? It’s weight that we can find hard to shed – in fact, it’s part of the reason why many of us grow just that little bit larger with each passing year. However, there are some simple steps we can take to prevent the unwanted weight gain, feelings of sluggishness, or not feeling your best self on Christmas Day (or the day after...)

Consider staying active over the festive season! Do something daily to maintain a high metabolism and to improve your mood. Don't be concerned if it doesn't look like your regular exercise routine - the key is to keep active. 

Get creative! Take a walk to look at Christmas lights or start up a backyard cricket game with the family. Don't use the heat as as an excuse - opt for a sunset stroll, find somewhere to go for a swim, or challenge the in-laws to a water balloon fight! And of course, don't forget a great opportunity for movement is to turn on some great tunes and dance up a storm!

We'd love to hear what some of your favourite ways to find movement during this season may be! Let us know in the comments below.

In the meantime, keep an eye out next week for part 2 and 3.


A Healthy, Happy Christmas (pt 2.)


4 Ways that Nutrition and Exercise can help with Asthma