NDIS Agreements and Conditions


Please see below our standard NDIS service agreement terms and conditions. We appreciate your commitment to working collaboratively with our team, to ensure we can develop and deliver a thorough and effective support structure as we embark on this journey together. If you have any questions or concerns at anytime during the process, please do not hesitate to contact us (Phone:- 07 3088 2323).

We look forward to providing you with the utmost care and assistance.

If you are wanting to receive NDIS allied health services from Healthy Lifestyles Australia please fill out the following form.

Whilst filling out our NDIS form please note that if a copy of the NDIS plan isn’t provided, or requested funding is not available at time of billing, THE PARTICIPANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES RECEIVED BUT NOT COVERED BY THEIR NDIS PLAN. CHARGES WILL BE AT THE RELEVANT NDIS SCHEDULED FEES.

The parties agree that this Service Agreement is made in the context of the NDIS, which is a scheme that aims to:

·        Support the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability, and

·        Enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.

Services Will Be Provided in Consultation with the Participant Including but Not Limited to the Following:

  • Face-to-Face support

  • Report Writing

  • Travel Time Requirements

  • Non Face-to-Face Support

  • Allied Health Assistance

  • Non-Labour Provider Travel (Please refer to below sections for explanation)

  • Clinically relevant communications including phone calls/written programs/communication with other health professionals, care staff and support staff (any task that takes more than 10 minutes will be invoiced)

  • Attendance at requested case conferences or clinically relevant meetings will be invoiced

  • Telehealth support or clinically relevant phone calls to the participant will be invoiced


Provider Travel - Labour Costs (Time)

(NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits 2023-2024.pdf effective 1 July 2023 / https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements#ndis-pricing-arrangements-and-price-limits)

Where a provider claims for travel time in respect of a support then the maximum amount of travel time that they can claim for the time spent travelling to each participant (for each eligible worker) is 30 minutes in MMM1-3 areas and 60 minutes in MMM4-5 areas. (Note the relevant MMM classification is the classification of the area where the participant is when the support is delivered.)

In addition to the above travel, providers delivering core and capacity-building supports are permitted to claim for provider travel in respect of a support item can also claim for the time spent travelling from the last participant to their usual place of work. Note, this travel is only claimable when the provider must pay their worker for the return travel time. The maximum amount of travel time that they can claim for the time spent on return travel (for each eligible worker) is 30 minutes in MMM1-3 areas and 60 minutes in MMM4-5 areas. (Note the relevant MMM classification is the classification of the area where the participant is when the support is delivered.)

Where a worker is travelling to provide services to more than one participant in a ‘region’, then it is reasonable for a provider to apportion all of the travel time (including the return journey where applicable) between the participants who received support from the worker. This apportionment should be agreed with each participant in advance as part of the service agreement. Please also note that non labour costs are separate from labour costs and specifically associated with car usage and expenses as allowed by the NDIS.

Please note re: potential adjustments to NDIS scheduled fees or supports:

The supports and their fees are as per the current NDIS fee schedule at the time of the agreement. Please be aware that the NDIS Fee Schedule does change from time to time, and support fees will adjust to be consistent with any updated NDIS fee schedule, during the time of the agreement. Additional expenses (i.e. things that are not included as part of a Participant’s NDIS supports) are the responsibility of *[participant / participant’s representative] * and are not included in the cost of the supports. Examples include entrance fees, event tickets, meals etc.


The provider agrees to:

·        Provide services that you have asked for and/or work towards your goals.

·        Be open and honest about the work to do/ completed.

·        Treat the participant with courtesy and respect. There is NO tolerance for physical or verbal abuse.

·        Include the client in all decisions about the client’s supports.

·        Accept feedback and address complaints promptly and fairly.

·        Keep client information private and confidential at all times.

·        Provide regular invoices/statements for timely payment for services provided.

·        Provide the participant with 14 or more days’ notice should the agreement need to be cancelled.


The participant/participant’s representative agrees to:

·        Inform HLA how they wish their supports to be delivered to best meet their needs and provide any relevant information.

·        Treat HLA staff and contractors with courtesy and respect. There is NO tolerance for physical or verbal abuse.

·        Contact HLA in a timely manner if there are concerns, complaints or feedback to be given about support services provided.

·        Give 48 or more hours notice for appointment cancellations and changes to support delivery dates/times etc, otherwise NDIS late cancellation or non-attendance fees will apply.

·        Give 14 or more days’ notice if the Service Agreement is to be cancelled.

·        As soon as the participant is aware of a plan review, to notify Healthy Lifestyles Australia immediately.

·        Give immediate notification if the NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan.


If a participant is made aware of an impending plan review, or has a plan review, they must notify Healthy Lifestyles Australia immediately. Otherwise there is the potential to impact service delivery, and /or the participant will become responsible for any fees not covered by a change in funding.  

If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this Service Agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.

Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement they must give 14 days’ notice. If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.


Cancellations / Non-Attendance

If a participant makes a short-notice cancellation and/or reschedule (i.e. change/cancellation occurs within 48 hours from when the service was scheduled), Healthy Lifestyles Australia will charge up to 100% of the agreed price (per the NDIS fee schedule) for the cancelled appointment.  Cancellation fee also includes non-attendance of a scheduled booking. The only variation to this is when a booking is a Feeding Therapy appointment where 96hrs (4 days) notice is required as grocery items are pre purchased and session plans are prepared well in advance of the session.

To reschedule or cancel an appointment, please call our reception team on (07) 3088 2323.



If the participant wishes to give feedback, or make a complaint, the participant can talk to the NDIS team leader on 07 3088 2323 or alternatively email reception@hla.au or lodge an online complaint from this link.

If you have lodged a complaint through Healthy Lifestyles Australia using the above means and have allowed adequate time for us to process the enquiry, and feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed, you are able to further your complaint to the NDIS Commission. Please visit the NDIS Commission complaints website for further details.

Incident Management System

Healthy Lifestyles Australia maintains an incident management system as a registered NDIS provider. This includes Incidents that must be recorded and managed include incidents where harm, or potential harm, is caused to or by a person with disability while they are receiving supports or services. Our system includes procedures for identifying, assessing, recording, managing, resolving and reporting incidents.

A free copy of our procedures and system is accessible by emailing reception@hla.au or calling (07) 3088 2323.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Healthy Lifestyles Australia needs to collect information about you (the participant) for the primary purpose of providing a quality service to you. In order to thoroughly assess, diagnose, and provide therapy, we need to collect some personal information from you. If you do not provide this information; we may be unable to treat you. This information may also be used for:

·        The administrative purpose of running the practice;

·        Billing either directly or through the NDIS/NDIA

·        Use within the practice if discussing or passing your case to another practitioner within the practice for your ongoing management; and

·        Disclosure of information to your designated family contact, doctors, other health professionals, NDIS Plan Manager, and/or NDIS Support Coordinator to facilitate communication and best possible care for you.

Healthy Lifestyles Australia has a Privacy Policy, which provides guidelines on the collection, use, and disclosure and security of your information. This Privacy Policy contains information on how you may request access to, and correction of, your personal information and how you may complain about a breach of your privacy and how we will deal with such a complaint. To access this policy please email reception@hla.au.


Service agreement details based from –

·        NDIS Support Catalogue 2023-24 (as of 1 July 2023)

·        NDIS Price Guide 2023-24 (as of 1 July 2023)