Home/Offsite Visits Proforma
At Healthy Lifestyles Australia we care about the safety of our clinicians. For this reason, when our clinicians are scheduled to attend locations other than a regularly visited clinic (e.g. a clients homes) we have a procedure in place to ensure that our clinicians are safe before, during, and after the visit.
As per the Home Visit Safety Procedure (PRO008) the following step-by-step procedure can be utilized for the purpose of ensuring the clinicians safety:
Clinician to text reception when they begin travelling to the offsite location
Clinician to text reception when they arrive at the offsite location
Clinician to keep their phone on them at all times during the visit
Clinician to text reception when they leave the offsite location
If the clinician does not send a text to reception at point 1, 2, or 4 then the reception team will follow-up with a phone call or text immediately.
We do however understand that clinicians are capable of ensuring and maintaining their own safety. Therefore, this proforma has been developed to allow clinicians to ‘opt in’ or ‘opt out’ of the above 4 step process.
If you choose to:
OPT IN - The Clinician is expected to follow the above 4 step process and reception will check-in with the clinician if a text is not received at point 1, 2, or 4.
OPT OUT - The clinician does not need to follow the above 4 step process and reception will not be required to check-in with the clinician .
Please note that regardless of whether you opt in or opt out, the reception team will still conduct their regular safety screening when booking the visit and the clinician is still entitled to contact the reception team if they feel unsafe at any point of the visit.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Tegan (HR Manager) at hr@healthylifestylesaustralia.com or (07) 3088 2323 BEFORE submitting this form.