Top 10 Tips for Weight Management


Hey did you see the new diet that came out last week? It claims that you can lose 3 kg in one week without changing a thing! Did you hear on the news last night that they have developed a new diet pill which takes away your hunger feelings?  Did you see the special down at the gym where your first month is free if you join up today??

Every where you look there is a promotion for weight loss, it can get very confusing trying to choose which product/service is the most effective and appropriate to assist with healthy eating and healthy living. Despite all the products available, Australia’s waistline continues to increase. Did you know that for every 10 people who sign up for a new weight loss program only 2 people achieve long term weight loss.

So what’s the secret? Here are the top 10 tips from Healthy Lifestyles Australia, Accredited Practising Dietitian - Emma Kellond.


1.    No matter what your food beliefs, variety is the key to any eating regime. Choose vibrant colours of different types of foods, experiment with different textures and create contrasting flavours of sweet, salty, bitter and sour to allow the flavours to dance on your tongue. This will fill your belly and leave you feeling satisfied with the meal.


2.    Always aim to have vegetables as the star of your meal. Hands up if you can successfully say yesterday you had five serves of vegetables (1 serve = 1 cup of salad or ½ cup of cooked vegetables). Studies show 98% of us are not getting enough vegetables however we are getting more than enough of those extras foods that are less nutrient dense such as biscuits, chips, sugary beverages and foods. So if you struggle to get to the 5 serves of vegetables try the following: juice, grate, steam, or disguise them within your meals.


3.    Think of food as a whole rather than a single nutrient. Who picks up a yoghurt and thinks to them selves:
- Full fat?
- Low fat?
- Added sugar?
- Natural sugar?
- Did they use sweetener?
- Do I go for one with a fruit swirl? 

Instead ask your self, what nutrition does this food give my body and can it provide me with strong bones? energy? a feeling of fullness? It’s not healthy to single out individual nutrients based on current media topics but moreso look at the food in its whole form and the health giving potential it has.


4.    Did you know snacks contribute to 30% extra energy intake over the day. If you’re trying to reduce your weight replace high-energy snacks such as muesli bars and biscuits with whole fruit, vegetables, tuna tins, yoghurt or high fibre wholegrain crackers. These options are lower in energy, high in nutrition and low in processing. Just remember that portion size is the key.


5.    Stock your pantry with nourishing foods which are easy to combine together to make a quick easy 15 minute meal. This helps to prevent the temptation of takeaway when you’re not motivated to prepare a meal.


6.    Plan your meals ahead of time, think about what you would like to have in the next week for meals, write a grocery list and shop around for the best prices in town for healthy fresh food. This will mean that you have all ingredients on hand when you need them.


7.    Successful weight loss is a long-term commitment, which involves changing your lifestyle habits.  Sometimes we just get too fixated on the scales and this can turn the whole change into a negative chore.  If a program, pill, wrap or shakes sounds too good to be true it more than likely is! Healthy eating doesn’t need to be stressful or restrictive, just enjoyable.


8.    Did you get your 30 minutes of activity today? No matter what your ability, there’s always an opportunity for improvement. Some additional ways to be active could include walking up and down flights of stairs or around the block in your lunch hour. You could join a sports club, partner up with a friend, or use the free park gym facilities around town. As long as you’re moving and doing so often, the weight will come off slowly and surely. If you’re having difficulty with being as active as you would like due to certain injuries or health conditions please consult our Healthy Lifestyles Australia Exercise Physiologists for an appointment (Phone:- 0432 468 548).


9.    Support encourage and inspire yourself to become a healthier more active person. There is so much pressure and negativity regarding healthy eating and healthy movement. Surround yourself with encouraging people, accept compliments from others, reward your positive changes with a new outfit, manicure, trip to the football, fishing adventure, etc and never feel guilty if you splurge on the odd occasion for a celebration. There is always tomorrow to continue on your positive health journey.


10.  Dietitians are here to support your food beliefs and provide you with personalized meal plans that take into account your nutritional needs, goals, medical conditions and lifestyle factors. We use individualized education and meal plans rather than a blanket diet approach and adapt the information to suit the individual.   


So when you’re thinking about changing lifestyle habits, improving your health, eating better and moving more, focus on the lifestyle behaviours you are yet to master. This is the key to helping you along your weight loss or maintenance journey.

Just remember, eat better, feel better and see an APD (Accredited Practising Dietitian) if you need assistance. We’re here to help.

Healthy Lifestyles Australia – Accredited Practising Dietitian

Practising from:- Warwick, Stanthorpe, Killarney, Allora, Oakey,

Kingsthorpe, Highfields, Withcott, Toowoomba.


Phone:- 07 3088 2323




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